
August 6-12 {Highlights}

The biggest highlight of the week?

WE MOVED! What a feat! It's over, we're all moved it! Now Isabelle, Thomas and I are in the process of unpacking and getting settled and making our new house feel like "home."

My goal is to be finished by the time the kids start school. Is it possible? Yes. I am in a way big D.I. / throwing out mode, no longer wanting to keep things I don't find useful.

A bonus in the packing process was that I finally found my SCUBA diving card! I haven't seen my card since 2002 when I certified, and why it was where it was when I found it I'll never know, but the timing couldn't have been better. Greg and I have an upcoming SCUBA & such trip in paradise that I am so much looking forward to! I can't wait to finally go diving somewhere other than Blue Lake!

While the kids and I were in the middle of the moving/packing process last week, all that hard work made us exhausted and hungry so we took a lunch break and went to The Training Table.

Yes, we did order all that food for just the three of us. Cheeseburger. Grilled cheese. Coke. Cheese fries. Ultimate dipping sauce.

Greasy goodness at a Utah original!

Greg and I had dinner at Log Haven. We ate outside on the patio near the waterfall. It was perfect.

After dinner we tried taking a picture in front of the waterfall, but the waterfall didn't exactly show up in the picture.

Everything about the evening was lovely!

On Friday Greg had two dozen pink roses delivered to me, just because.

24 pink roses.

A beautiful way to end the week and start the weekend!

Even though I am now just down the street and around the corner from Greg, he still sends me flowers.

I am smitten. 


Unfortunately, my week wasn't all roses. I was blown away at just how completely irrational and unethical some people are. I won't delve into details, but I have learned that you can't reason with crazy irrational people, and being ethical is a virtue some people obviously don't possess, so it's better to just walk away - and ignore them forever.

Thomas is well on his way to being a kindergartener! The "low" this week were the four shots he had to get for school. Thomas surprised me though - he took the shots like a champ! He only cried for a few seconds, and then the green rubber frog he chose from the prize basket made him a happy camper.

Now my little boy is ready to start school!

On Friday night Greg took me to dinner at Meditrina. Every time I look at pictures of our food, I get hungry.

The bruschetta {pictured} was my favorite. A baguette with cream cheese, green olives, roasted red peppers, lettuce and vinaigrette on top - oh my, so delicious!

{Sorry the picture is so dark. Meditrina is a dark restaurant, but it is really, really good!}

Our caramelized bananas with the chocolate mousse at Meditrina was dessert heaven.

I have been craving them ever since.

Saturday night my sister Sarah and I had a dinner date. We went out for Thai food at Thai Siam. The Gang Dang - Red Curry {pictured}, is the best!

I also must say just how much I love living back in Salt Lake City! It is so nice to be close to everyone and everything - like my family, Greg, and Thai Siam for instance.

Greg took off went to Idaho and bought this cowboy hat. He's clearly fueling my country / cowboy kick {Cheyenne by George Strait and rodeo days, remember?}

Now all he needs is a pair of cowboy boots and I will be so, so happy!

Right now I can't decide who I miss more - Greg or Max. At first I thought it was Greg, but then he texted me this picture of Max in the mountains, and only then did I realize just how badly I miss the furry little guy!

Today we celebrated Uncle Alan's {or, "Uncle Awan's"} birthday! Part of that celebration included bike riding with the kids after dinner.

I love how Alan and Thomas are wearing matching outfits - right on down to the flip-flops!

Boy, can Isabelle ever ride like the wind!

Indiana Bones is the best dog. I love him. And I love Max. I love dogs in general {except for the big slobbery ones or the little yappy dogs that look like rats - that's why I said in general}.

It was a good week. I feel like it was one giant food fest. I'm glad the moving part is over. Life is good. Thomas and Isabelle are good. We're all happy. I'm glad I found my diving card, and I'm really excited about that cowboy hat...

:: THE END  ::

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