
August 13-19 {Highlights + Bryce & Kimberly get married!}

Max goes country and gets a treat.

Thomas got gum in his hair.
It was an "accident."
According to Pinterest, peanut butter can help out with that -
it got 95% of it out!
He needed a back-to-school haircut anyways
so it ended up working out alright.

Indiana Bones went on a wagon ride 
while Stephanie was so kind to help me unpack!

Mrs. Bubble

Greg had himself a double date 
at one of our favorite restaurants, Meditrina.
I didn't mind sharing - 
Renee is one of my favorites!

Utah cantaloupe/pear/arugula/hearts of palm

Greg's youngest brother Bryce got married!
The wedding was at the Mt. Timpanogos Temple.

It was a beautiful evening.

Congratulations Kimberly and Bryce!!

After the wedding we all 
{as in most of Greg's family}
went to dinner at The Olive Garden.
The highlight of the evening for Isabelle
was holding baby Audrey Claire!

The highlight for me was the lobster cannenoli.

Indy Pup got himself a manicure,
red - because we're Utah fans around here.

Greg continues to fuel my cowboy obsession.

Over the weekend Bryce and Kimberly had their wedding reception
at her house down in American Fork.
Everything was beautiful,
and Kimberly, who is an artist and is super creative,
 gave each family at the reception a clay mug that she made.


Apparently I am not the only girl who likes to be 
spun around by Greg on the dance floor.

Me & Greg at the wedding

It was a really important phone call.

Kim & Greg

Tim. Kim. Me. Greg

Thomas & Isabelle danced the night away!

Olivia. Greg. Me

Olivia & Greg

{I love her dress! And shoes!}

Tim. Kim. Greg. Me. Jennilyn. Doug. Sherri. Frank.

Nat and Thomas, stationed at the dessert table.

We had a full week!

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