
July 30-August 5 {Highlights & Is it really the last month of summer?!?}

At the beginning of the week Thomas, Isabelle and I 
took a break from packing and went to the swimming pool 
our favorite friend Riley.

Afterward we went out for treats.

We love our summer days!

We also spent an afternoon at Liberty Park playing with friends.

Isabelle built quite the sand castle...

And Thomas was thrilled with his dog animal balloon!

{Cole & Thomas}

{Savanna & Isabelle}

My daughter, the mermaid.

Stacie came into town for a quick minute 
to be a bridesmaid in a friend's wedding, 
and so before she left we had dinner at our 
favorite restaurant together, The Mandarin. 

This was probably the first time in years we didn't get a picture of our table, 
BUT we did get a picture of their famous creme brûlée!

{Stephanie. Me. Sarah. Stacie}

At The Mandarin

Isabelle & Thomas
with their favorite Aunts!

{Basically their only aunts!}

How exciting it was when Thomas lost his first tooth on the top!

Now he has a new big boy smile to start kindergarten with!

Thursday was one of those days where
 the kids and I were inside packing all day
At around 7:00 p.m. I took them to Red Box  
so they could watch a movie for the remainder of the night.

Little Thomas, who was dog tired from staying up late {10:30} 
the night before at his sleepover with Nat, was out cold by 8:00.

A very tired Thomas put himself to bed on a bean bag, 
while clutching his movie, which kind of made me feel
 like a ghetto mom.

{Boxes galore!}

Packing has been consuming my life,
and moving really is the worst.

{On the train ride}

Yesterday was Greg's company Lagoon Day.
It was crazy amounts of fun!

We're always up for a Saturday at Lagoon!

{Me & Greg}

Isabelle always loves riding the white "princess" horses
 on the merry-go-round!

SOMEONE was quite excited for the boat ride!!

And today will be spent packing and packing and more packing... !

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