
January 21-27 {Highlights + Isabelle turns 8! + That Awkward Moment When You Show Up For A Concert A Day Late}

{Max at the vet.}

The week started off with two very sick boys -
Thomas and Max.

Poor Max had a skin infection on his tummy
and he had to go to the vet.
The Doctor gave him a shot and prescribed an antibiotic.
He's doing much better now!

Little Thomas had walking pneumonia and missed 
two more days of school.
It was rough... Thomas was really tired,
had a nasty cough and just wanted to sleep a lot.
It's sad when little ones are sick!

Thanks heavens he is better now!

{Isabelle on the morning of her birthday!}

The HIGHLIGHT of the week was 
my Princess Isabelle Grace turned 8!!

Eight! I have an eight year old!

It's great to be 8!!

We spent the whole entire day 
celebrating Isabelle non-stop.

I know that this is the BEST birthday
she has ever had, no question!

What an exciting and special time this is for
my Izzie Grace!!

Birthday cupcakes!!

I brought cupcakes into Isabelle's class at school.
The frosting and sprinkles were bright,
and the cupcakes were topped with:
shoes, purses, butterflies and dragonflies.
Very fitting for my birthday girl!

{Isabelle eating a cupcake at school}

{Cupcakes with a classmate!}

{So that's where my Christmas magnets went!}

Before we left the school,
Isabelle wanted to show me how she's decorated
the inside of her locker door.

{Nat and Thomas having a birthday cupcake at home}

After school I had to pick up a few things from 
Barnes and Noble,
and while I shopped
the kids had a lot of fun playing at the 
Lego table upstairs.

So much fun in fact it was hard getting them to leave!

{Me. Greg. Olivia. Stephanie. 
Sarah. Thomas sleeping. Nat. Isabelle}

The most special part of Isabelle's birthday is that
she shares it with my sister -
her Aunt Stephanie.
So every year we have double/"twin" birthday parties!

My mom was still in South Dakota with my grandma
for the double birthdays and my day had
an appointment
{we'll celebrate with them when everyone is back from SD}
so my wonderful Greg took
us all out to dinner at Benihana's downtown.

Thomas and Isabelle had never been there before,
and having the chef cook their food right in front
of them + the eggs rolling, flying shrimp, 
fire and juggling of the knives - - 
 they were mesmerized.

The food was so good too,
it's one of the most fun nights we have
ever had all together!

{Isabelle and Nat}

{The "twin" birthday girls and Sarah!}

{With four of my favorite people in the whole world!}

{Me & Mr. Handsome}

{All of us!}

At the end of dinner, Isabelle and Stephanie were sung to
and brought out ice-cream,
 and then we opened presents at the restaurant.
Isabelle was thrilled with her American Girl presents!
Anything American Girl is her favorite thing
in the world!

Thomas and I gave her oodles of doll clothes
Greg and Nat gave her American Girl books,
and Olivia gave her the American Girl dog Pepper.

Tonight was quite the birthday bash at Benihana's!!

Now Isabelle is looking forward to her upcoming
8th birthday party at the Lion House!
It is something I have wanted to do for her
when she turned 8 ever since she was born 
{for real}
so both Isabelle and I are very excited
for this next event!

{Jailbird Max}

On Friday Greg and I put Max in his kennel and the
three of us drove up to Heber for the night.
While we had a lot of fun up in the mountains
for the evening,
we completely missed the George Strait Concert
that Greg bought me tickets to for my birthday.
Suite tickets.
We both thought the concert was on Saturday...

So on Saturday night,
{"concert night"}
Greg and I went out for sushi downtown and then
walked over to the Delta Center
Energy Solutions Arena and were confused
by the lack of country radio stations and 
rednecks crowds and were wondering why
the people walking in with us were wearing
Jazz jerseys instead of cowboy hats. 

When we got up to the door, the guy scanned 
our tickets and:
Then we looked down, saw the date,
and saw that the concert was the night before
and it was just a Jazz game that evening.

I wanted to die, and I felt like crying and
eventually I did start crying.
I was completely sad and devastated.
I had so been looking to seeing George Strait
{it's his final tour!}
for months and months now.

Luckily, Salt Lake was not George's final
city to perform in.
Greg found tickets to an upcoming show online 
and then booked two plane tickets 
half-way across the country so we I can see 
The Cowboy {officially} Rides Away.

So, it really was that awkward moment when we
showed up for a concert a day late.

If it weren't his farewell tour I wouldn't
care as much,
but he is my favorite, and traveling to the mid-west
in the middle of winter to hear him perform
THIS song alone is so, so worth it.

1 comment:

Cassie said...

Oh my goodness! I am sure you were DEVASTATED! I can't even imagine! But, boy, you sure have a sweet man to find you more tickets and fly you half way across the country! You're one lucky girl!