
January 28-February 3 {Highlights + The Second Picture We Ever Took Together + 5 Facts You Didn't Know About Me}

The week started off with Isabelle addressing and delivering 
her birthday party invitations for her friends at school!

This will be the first "friend" party Isabelle has ever had
and she's SO EXCITED for it!

A pioneer party at the Lion House!
How exciting is that?!
Isabelle loves anything to do with the pioneers!

Making sure Cecile and Marie-Grace stay in style!

Thomas' kindergarten class had a 
'100 Days of School' party!
Thomas contributed a bag of fishy crackers
for the snack,
and this is the '100' poster he made,
decorated with Cars stickers.

He was really, REALLY excited for this party!

I have the sweetest fiancé in the whole entire world,
and now my house smells like spring inside!

Greg is the 

Pinterest gave me the idea of doing 
'14 Days of Loving Your Husband'
{to be}
and since I'm trying to be just a fraction of 
as awesome to him as he is to me,
Greg has been coming home to treats
and corny notes on his bed everyday.

We really are!

He really does!

{Me and Greg at Archibald's}

Greg's mom had a birthday
and so we celebrated with the Walker family

Such a fun afternoon!

{Thomas, Nat and Isabelle at Archibald's}

{Bubbles bubbles everywhere! 
And what is that creepy shadow figure in the window?!}

The weekend was AWESOME!

Greg and I took the kids + Max up to the cabin
for a weekend of snowmobiling, hot tubing,
sledding, and game playing.

Making the hot tub super bubbly was 
the most fun part!

The kids had so much fun they didn't want to leave!

This is the second photo Greg and I ever took together -
and we had even been dating for a whole 
four months at this time.

{What is the first picture we ever took together, you ask? 
It was at Greg's company Christmas party in 2011,
but it's not one of my favorites;
the angle is funny}


I don't know what our problem was.
Prior to taking this picture we had been to 
Las Vegas together twice and to St. George once -
so basically three trips and zero pictures!

So anyways, almost exactly one year ago to this day -
it was just a few days before Valentine's Day,
Greg and I were having lunch at Lamb's Cafe
{our place!}
and I told him it was a lifelong dream of mine
to see the Tree of Utah out at The Great Salt Lake
{it really was.}

Greg is a "make it happen" kind of guy,
so after lunch we drove directly out to the
Great Salt Lake so I could see the Tree of Utah.

It didn't disappoint.

We continued on driving all the way to Wendover,
visited the WWII museums there,
took this picture of us wearing the 3D glasses,
walked into a Casino
{Peppermill perhaps?}
got an ice-cream cone and then drove back home.

This was circulating on Instagram, 
{I love Instagram and I LOVE Max!!}
so here goes -

5 Facts You Didn't Know About Me:

1. One in every million people is immune to the chicken pox and I am one of them. So basically, I am one in a million.

2. I never leave the house without earrings in {unless I'm going to the gym, and in that case I don't even wear my ring} but other than that I always wear earrings. I even carry an emergency pair in my purse.

3. I am a certified SCUBA diver, but because of my irrational fear of sharks I will never go diving.

4. I shave my legs every single day, 365 days a year, no matter what.

5. I have a severe aversion to mayonnaise. I don't even have any in my fridge, and my goal is to never have any in my fridge. I'm being honest - my children have no idea what mayo even is.

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