
January 14-17 {Highlights}

When I was Isabelle's age,
my most favorite book in the world was
Prince Bertram the Bad
by Arnold Lobel.

It's about a prince who does all sorts of bad things
and eventually he turns into a dragon.

It's out of print now,
but lucky for me I was given a copy as a gift
several years ago.

Like mother like daughter...
Isabelle loves reading Prince Bertram at night 
before she falls asleep!

 Isabelle had a play date after school with her BFF Riley.
This wasn't just any play date though...
Isabelle and Riley had an American Girl Doll play date.

Max likes to lounge on the arm of the couch.
He will perch up there and watch out the window
and bark at passerby's - especially at the mail man.

I told Greg that in our new house on the new couch
this louging-on-the-arm will have to stop.
Dog hair on the furniture makes me a little crazy.

At the end of the week, both Thomas and Isabelle
got really sick with bad colds/flu and they
missed a couple of days of school.
It was pretty miserable for them.

My angels, sick in bed.

With the kids being so sick, this is all they
wanted to eat and drink for the next few days.

Having sick kids in the middle of winter is
 the worst!

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