
October 10-14 {Post Hawaii Highlights + Thomas loses not one, but TWO teeth!}

(Isabelle & Thomas, in their Hawaiian outfits)

Upon returning from Kauai, the children were thrilled with their presents from paradise!

For Isabelle I brought back a purple Hawaiian dress, a mermaid Kauai t-shirt, a silver mermaid necklace, a basket of sea shells and a journal.

For Thomas, a Hawaiian shirt with matching (yes, matching!) shorts, a shark tooth necklace, a Kauai t-shirt with sharks on it, coconut syrup (my boy loves pancakes!) and a basket of sea shells.

I missed the kids so much while we were gone! As much fun as Kauai was, it feels good to be home.

Just before going to bed, Thomas lost another tooth! He was so happy and excited, knowing that the Tooth Fairy would pay him a visit during the night and he'd have some money to wake up to.

Several times a week Isabelle will bring home cards, drawings and such from school for me.

They always make my day, and they always get displayed on the refrigerator door, until its time to make room for new ones.

Thomas had to bring an "S" show-and-tell for school!

These were the clues:

1. They come in different shapes, sizes and colors
2. They are from Hawaii
3. You can find them on the beach

Thomas brought his new SEA SHELLS from Kauai!

He felt pretty slick.

Halloween is our favorite, FAVORITE holiday, so Isabelle and Thomas make it a point to wear their Halloween shirts to school once a week.

On Saturday afternoon Thomas, Isabelle and I met my sister Sarah for a movie! We saw Hotel Transylvania. It was really cute and funny, and it made us excited for Halloween.

The kids and I were in the mood for ice-cream, so we made a Baskin and Robbins run.

Now that fall is here and Max gets chilled easily, I decided to buy him a sweater. Its stripped with an orange bone on it... he loves it. I love it too.

The stripes really accentuate his figure.

The weekend ended with Thomas losing ANOTHER tooth! That makes two in one week! His teeth are coming out in the masses! The Tooth Fairy will have to get a second job to keep up with this little guy!


Unknown said...

Ha ha! Maggie lost 3 teeth last week! I'm thinkin' it must be a post-Halloween thing! Miss you guys and I love the up-dates!

Shannon said...

We miss you guys too! Are you coming to Utah for Thanksgiving or Christmas? We would love to see you when you're out here next!

This losing teeth in the masses thing is CRAZY! Thomas can barely chew his food now! ;)