
July 23-29 {Highlights}

Greg and I went on a Pioneer Day hike 
up Millcreek Canyon with Max!

We hiked the Old Red Pine Road Trail -
it's our new favorite!

Max loves going up Millcreek,
and I love Max,
a lot.

With the kids' toys being all packed,
Thomas and Isabelle have resorted to playing
Mr. & Mrs. Potato Head...
with each other.

This is also what my children look like after a couple 
of hours a the pool with SPF 50 sunscreen on.

It turns into a tan the next day.

Stephanie and Indiana Bones came up 
for a day and helped us pack. 
It's always good to have help, 
and we love having Indy over!

Indy especially was a huge help,
like when he made sure Thomas got a bath,
for instance.

Packing progress.

Over the weekend Greg took me to the Deer Valley
Music Festival to the Broadway Night!

First we had dinner at 
The Eating Establishment in Park City,
and then we went to the concert.

The symphony played all my favorites -
music from:
Phantom of the Opera,
The Lion King,
Mama Mia,
and so forth.

It was a beautiful wonderfully romantic night.

:: THE END ::

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