
June 25-July 1 {Highlights}

The Lorax at our favorite movie theater, The Kaysville Theater

Swimming! Goggles! Mermaids!

After spending the afternoon at the pool,
grape Slurpees are always in order.
3 grape Slurpees, all the way around!

The Princess Festival at Thanksgiving Point

Friday night date night with Greg - dinner at Biaggi's 
{this is our tiramisu} 
and then we saw a really stupid movie after, 
which shall remain nameless. 

{Although the talking teddy bear should have been our 
first clue that we were about to waste 2 hours of our lives...}

On Sunday we took Max up Millcreek Canyon
and we hiked Mt. Aire.
It was really hot and really hard,
but we didn't see any snakes.

With Max, my favorite dog ~ I love him!

It's crazy that June is over and now July is here!!

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