
The Princess Festival

{Thomas & Isabelle in Cinderella's carriage}

One of our summer highlights was attending The Princess Festival down at Thanksgiving Point. 

Isabelle went dressed as a princess {of course!} and Thomas went dressed as a Super Hero, cape and all.

While there we saw princess plays like Snow White and Rumpelstiltskin, went to princess story time inside a cave, colored pictures to send to our soldiers, watched a parade, bought Popsicles for our treat {it was really, really hot outside!} took tons of pictures with the princesses and fairies {some of which I'm sure Thomas won't be too thrilled about having posted on the Internet when he's older!} and near the end of our visit we had lunch.

Princess Isabelle and Super Hero Thomas had the best time! It was our second time attending The Princess Festival, and I'm thinking we'll have to make it an annual summer tradition!

In Fairy Hollow

The Queen of Hearts

Blue Fairy



Super Hero Thomas!!

Is it Rapunzel... or Isabelle?

Captain Hook


... and now for the collection of Thomas' future blackmail pictures:

{just kidding - my boy is adorable, it's just apparent he lives in a "girl house" is all!}

Isabelle with Snow White, The Wicked Queen, and The Magic Mirror

Doing the Hokey Pokey

Princess Isabelle!!

We had a wonderful afternoon among royalty... the three of us are looking forward to attending again next year!

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