
July 16-22 {Highlights}

Isabelle creating mermaid chalk-art on the driveway

My Little Mermaid & Little Merman!

My children have salt water running through their veins!

The Golfers 
Thanksgiving Point

{Greg. Tom. Dad. Alan}

I wasn't there for this golf tournament, but I like the picture!

This is also the first time I have ever seen Alan in a polo.

We went to the Days of '47 Rodeo not once,
but twice this week!

VIP seats, both times!

{I'll post more on that later}

It was super fun!


More time spent at the swimming pool -
swimming, diving, sliding, tanning...

What else is there to do with two young children mid-July 
when it's 100 plus degrees outside?

Friday Night Movie Night -
Chimpanzee at The Kaysville Theater.

1 popcorn, 2 cokes, and always a favorite family activity!

{Cone-head Max}

Max has a sore by his mouth he keeps scratching at,
so he has to wear a cone until it gets better.

Max isn't used to the cone at all -
he can't run as fast, 
it gets in the way when he tries eating,
and he has trouble walking through narrow spaces.

The cone has humbled him a bit.

Sunday evening was spent with Greg's entire family.
We had a BBQ for dinner.

For Isabelle, the highlight was holding Greg's newest
little niece, Audrey Claire.

Isabelle is such a little mother; 
she would have held baby Audrey all night 
and taken her home if we would have let her!

{Walker Family BBQ}

... and that's our week!

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