
July 9-15 {Highlights + My New Favorite Picture}

{Stacie. Sarah. Stephanie. Mom. Me}

Stacie came into town for a quick minute and a half, and so while she was here my sisters and I and our Mom all went out for dinner at Thai Siam. There's nothing quite like catching up over delicious curry and wok fried noodles!

{My Nancy Drew book collection. 
I have them all except for The Haunted Showboat 
and The Clue In The Old Stagecoach. 
I need to complete my set!
I love my Nancy Drew books!}

Every. Single. Day. the kids and I pack and pack and pack some more. Packing is a pain, but we are very excited to move and get settled before school starts next month. So right now we are living among boxes and newspaper and are looking forward to this next chapter of our lives!

On Friday Greg took me to dinner in Park City at Cafe Terigo. As always, we had the best time! An evening out in Park City is always perfect, especially when it rains just a little.

After dinner we walked up Main Street and went to my favorite art store. I love everything in there, especially the photographs of the polar bears {my favorite animal}.

Saturday was the one year mark of the single most devastating day of my entire life.

I don't think it was a coincidence I saw no less than 20 dragonflies flying around that day.


Later on that evening Greg and I took Max on a walk over to Emigration Market. We left Max in the designated Pet Parking area while we did our shopping. On our way home we walked past 'Shannon Street' and Greg took this picture of me with Max, since I hate being in pictures by myself. Max pretty much makes the picture anyways.

After that we walked home, went on a motorcycle ride, made dinner, and watched Walk The Line.

My kind of Saturday evening.

On Sunday we had the brilliant idea to go on a 5 mile hike up Millcreek Canyon, even though there was rain in the forecast. Yes, we did get caught in the rain about halfway through, but Greg The Eagle Scout came well-prepared with a travel umbrella for his girlfriend, so all was o.k.

{our beautiful trail}

{Max had the time of his life!}

Greg and I hiked 5 miles, but with all the running around back and forth Max did, I'm sure he went more like 12.

After the hike we were really tired, cold, wet, muddy and hungry, and so we did the obvious: we had a giant fiesta at The Red Iguana. They really do have the best guacamole in the world!


Last week Stacie and Patrick got their wedding pictures back. They all turned out so beautiful, and this one of Greg and I slow dancing to a Frank Sinatra song at their dinner is my new favorite.

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