
So Much To Be Thankful For! {Instagram Style}

{Thomas & Isabelle - Thanksgiving Day 2012}

Thanksgiving Day 2012 through the weekend 
is one to be remembered!

In this order, we had:

                                                  Nathaniel's birthday!
                                                  St.George adventures!

{Thanksgiving place cards}

Thomas, Isabelle and I spent Thanksgiving with
Greg, Olivia and Nat down in
Pleasant Grove with Greg's sister and brother-in-law
and their five children, 
and Greg's cute mom.

Everything was so beautiful!
Kim is an out-of-this-world amazing cook,
the table looked like it was strait out of a magazine,
and the weather was nice enough for the kids to all
play outside together for a good portion of the day.

I told Greg that this was the best Thanksgiving we
{we as in me, Thomas and Isabelle}
have ever had, 
and the fun we had over the weekend down in
St. George with my family topped everything right off!

{our place cards}

So thankful for my wonderful fiancé!
{I love saying that!!}

I love him so much!

{Isabelle. Nat. Mariah}

About to have Thanksgiving dinner!

Tiger and Thomas

{Mariah. Olivia. Katelyn}

{Greg & Olivia}

{Isabelle & Baby Audrey Claire}

The day after Thanksgiving Nat had a birthday!
Nat is 7!!

Happy Birthday to Nat!!

For his birthday Nat wanted KFC and a birthday cake,
so before driving down to St. George that evening
we had a little party at Greg's house.

It was fun to celebrate Nat turning one year older!
Now he and Isabelle are technically the same age,
for another two months anyways.
Isabelle is pretty happy about that.

{Nat. Isabelle. Thomas}

Thanksgiving weekend was spent down in St. George
with my mom, dad and sister Sarah.
We had the dogs - Max and Indy with us too,
and Thomas, Isabelle, Nat and Olivia -
so it was a full house!
We had a lot of fun though,
and with the weather being 72 degrees
we were able to spend plenty of time outdoors.

{Greg & Thomas}

Riding ATV's down in sunny St. George is our favorite 
thing to do!
Thomas calls them "bicycles"and he would ride them
all day everyday if he could!

{Olivia & Greg}

{Grandpa Tom & Thomas}

Thomas loves riding the ATV's with his Grandpa!

Grabby Greg & Me

For two mornings in a row, my dad bought these
fancy-schmancy Christmas doughnuts for the kids.

They almost looked too good to eat!

One of the nights we were down there, 
the kids decorated giant gingerbread men.
They all turned out so cute!

Nat's finished gingerbread masterpiece!

Artistic Isabelle -
decorating with frosting and candy has never been so fun!

Olivia's gingerbread man was so cute it was irresistible! 

On Sunday morning Greg took Nat and Thomas on a 
boys only hike.

Because Indy and Max are boys, they were allowed to go.

It's good for Thomas to have some quality
 male bonding time.
Living with me and Isabelle he spends everyday with girls,
and when we visit my family he is 
surrounded by even more girls,
so I am grateful to Greg and my dad who plan
testosterone-based activities so my little guy
can just be ALL BOY!

{Boys-Only Hike}

The Great {red!} Outdoors

Before heading back up to Salt Lake,
 we spent some time at the park.

Thomas loves the swings...

... while Isabelle would be happy and content riding
her bike for hours.

Indy Pup loves the park too!

This really was the best Thanksgiving and
Thanksgiving weekend ever, ever!
I'm glad Greg and I were able to spend a lot of time with 
both of our families.

I realized this year, more than ever, 
how much I have to be thankful for:

1. Isabelle & Thomas - thank you for making me a mom! I love being able to stay home and take care of you. I love you both so much!

2. Greg {my fiancé!} - where do I begin? You are my love! You do so much for me, and I am happier with you than I have ever been in my entire life. I am so excited we are getting married! It feels really good to be marrying the right person this time - entirely different from the last. I love you so much!

3. Jaeden, Olivia and Nat - the best part of the "Greg package" - and lets not forget Max! He's like the icing on the cake.

4. My Family - for always being there for me. They are supportive, helpful, dependable, FUN, and are my favorite group of people to spend time with. My sisters especially are my favorite.

Those are the main things I am grateful for... I was going to list my Top 10, but I'm now realizing that the rest of my list is going to sound super shallow, like I'm thankful for Ann Taylor Loft, eyelash extensions, my iPhone and things like that, so I will just quit while I'm ahead. BUT, my list has made me realize {again, for the millionth time} that the most important things in life aren't things, but the relationships we have and the people we share our lives with, and I love those closest to me more than anything in the world.


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